Sunday, September 8, 2013

week 34...push present!??!

Is that taboo?? Or maybe just tacky to talk about? The guide on our hospital tour talked about it sooo I think I will too. I'm fairly certain this is a 21st century fad but I'm for it! I will explain. For starters it's totally a misnomer...anyone that carries a baby "qualifies" for this gift so saying it's a push present is just for titling purposes. It's a reward for all that hard work...right Will?? Will and I were clueless to this fad until it was brought to our attention a couple years ago. My first reaction was, "gross"...but now I totally get it. Yes, my reward for carrying a baby 10 months is...a baby...and that is MORE than enough. But this is for funsies! Why not? After some discussion, Will and I came up with a practical solution/compromise for this. It's really an excuse for us to spend money on ourselves one last time before we are full blown parents. Ready? No judging...

Hopefully ours won't look like this....

Don't worry...this isn't Will's way of calling me fat. He was very self-conscious that people would think that about him if I broadcasted what I wanted. So sensitive. Neither of us can figure out when we would somehow be able to make a gym stop while working and having a baby. I don't know how people do this parenting thing...I will just have to experience it for myself! Anyway, I've felt very sedentary for the past 8.5 months and it will be winter before I can get cleared to exercise again...I'm not a huge fan of running outside in the winter so this seems like a no-brainer. Check back with me around Spring and see how good of an investment this was...

Sleepy/puffy Michael and Sista Sarah on our way to breakfast! Forgot to get a side shot for this week but I'm sure I'll be even bigger next week so I'm not too worried!

Total weight gain: weight gain this week and Dr. Hauschka scheduled an US for week 36 to make sure Jameson isn't measuring "small". I measured the same size 2 weeks ago as I did this week but that was by a different doctor so she just wants to be sure. I'm trying not to think about it until sense in worrying yet.

Maternity clothes?  I can't remember if I mentioned that my friend Kirsten, who had a baby in June, loaned me lots of maternity clothes! It was perfect timing. I thought I was going to have to go out and buy a bunch of new clothes that were Family Dollar appropriate. I had to buy new pants but all her tops fit me pretty well so hopefully I can makes those last 6 more weeks! Thanks KK!

Stretch marks?  Found some new guys. I've given up hope. So many weird body markings happening everywhere that I may as well delete this portion.

Sleep:  I think I'm in a walking coma. I have to wake up about 2 hours earlier than I was previously. That has been a major adjustment. I have been going to bed much earlier than before...or trying to at least. Will has decided to take advantage of his vacation days by going out or staying up later than normal which is awful timing. I have been zombie-ing around for days now.

Best moment this week: Started my new job! Took a really fat ID picture and almost cried about it so the cranky security guard tried to make me feel better by telling me to come back after baby face-weight is gone and I can get a new one! Hooray! He is never nice to me so that really made my day. I am not exaggerating the face-fatness of this photo either. Must have used a blob lens. For real.

Miss Anything: I miss NOT waddling. I have become more aware of it now that I am walking the long halls for Family Dollar. I can hear myself too...shuffling and grunting when I sit. It's much quieter than my old job where LaDonna jammed to R&B beats all day long....

Movement:  Tons. She is on her own little baby schedule. Night movin' to the max! I'm hoping this isn't representative of her sleep schedule once out of the womb :/

Food cravings: Nothing really (as I eat a post-breakfast cupcake). Just the same old red meat cravings! I have been snacking less thanks to my new busy work schedule. Since I'm "new" I have a lot of my time designated to things I wouldn't normally be doing. I really just want to sit at my desk and draw/check stores.  That leaves less idle time for snacking! Which is probably a good thing! I will be back at it soon enough! 

Anything making you queasy or sick:  My new boss (who is 8 months pregnant) told me she likes tuna fish on cinnamon-raisin bread....I had to stop eating what I was eating. It's such a weird combo!!! But I won't judge.

Gender: Baby Princess of the Kitten-land!

Symptoms:  Sooooo freaking tired. Like almost-needed-a-wheelchair-escort-out-of-Target-after-work TIRED!!!! My feet ached and my body was a type of tired you only feel when you have the flu or something like that...oh and I was in Target so I couldn't just take a time-out!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Still bossy and cranky. Will going out with friends and drinking and me knowing I can't do that makes me super jealous and cranky. I don't even want to go...I'm way too tired. But just knowing I don't have the option enrages me for some reason! So ridiculous but it happened. I want Will to be sleepy with me and give me back 8pm...Ha! I'll get over it. Soon we will both be sleepy and cranky...but it will be worth it!!

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