Tuesday, February 17, 2015

month 15 & 16

 I'm getting so bad at this! I've decided to change it up a bit this time though. Instead of my old format I'm just going to write about the babe instead of all the little segments. I don't even know where to start though ...she's such a big girl sometimes!! Just within the past month she finally started walking! She had taken 1-3 steps a few times between 12-15 months but this time she is WALKING. She still prefers to crawl sometimes when she wants to go fast but she definitely likes to show off her skills in the kitchen and bathroom (hard surfaces vs. carpet). Other than walking and trying to talk this baby toddler doesn't have much time for anything else! On to the pictures!
Here's Bubs on Christmas morning (it's the only picture we took....terrible parents). It was rather dull holiday for us since both Will and I were fighting off a tummy bug. Jameson was afraid of her teepee from Santa too. Not quite how I imagined her 2nd Christmas but hopefully next year will be more eventful!

Bubs with her long hair. She can pull off pigtails AND ponytails these days. Such a big girl.

Mom and Bubs first adventure to the park. I don't know what took us so long but it was finally warm enough to visit and all she wanted to play on were the swings! I can't blame her. She tried the slide but was not impressed. She walked around a bit but kept going back to the swings. So cute. 
I really can't get over how much she has changed even since 12 months. She definitely likes to test our patience...I think on purpose...but Will swears our angel would never! She laughs in my face when I tell her NO but she will listen to Will. I can't say I blame her since I start laughing 90% of the time I'm trying to "discipline her". Anyway, more to come! I hope to keep this up monthly!