Thursday, June 6, 2013

week 21

{Sigh} The 21st week, the rainiest and most depressing week since week 10 in Dublin! It's not really that bad...I exaggerate of course. Nothing can top my last weekend so I don't have much to report this week. The baby room is in progress. As of THIS SECOND I hate the color in the nursery but I'm not 100% the color is the issue. There are a lot of terrible things going on in that room (like the worst invention of architecture/design history: popcorn ceilings). Just awful. The lighting is stupid and the bead board isn't installed. That part is my fault...I wanted to paint first, and by I, I mean Will. I will see how it looks with 2 more coats of paint before I officially decide to set off a bomb in that room. I'm not sure if indecisiveness is a pregnancy side effect but I'm claiming that for now. Here is my 21 week bumpdate:

FAT FACE! Not the best photo but the warehouse guy took it for me sooooo.....

I appear to have some sort of uni-boob/belly combo going on. Whatever. I was convinced I was going to fit into these pre-prego clothes. I have no idea why or how this still fits me. That's Target clothes for you! Anyway, I digress....

Total weight gain:   Still at I feel certain I was just having a fat McDonald's week last week.

Maternity clothes?  Aside from whatever that outfit up there is...I am happily wearing maternity clothes. I need to invest in some other pieces though...I'm running out of clever combinations of the same 6 pieces. I don't know how people with corporate jobs find anything to wear (Jessica!?!?!).

Stretch marks?  Not yet, but I know they are hiding somewhere. I will make Will get some tattooed on himself to match me. It's only fair.

Sleep:  I don't know what my sleep is right now. I stay up late OR fall asleep early. I never wake up early (unless 3:30AM counts). I busted my friend Aimee in Hawaii up at 4AM her time and she said she had been up a while! (She is due next weekend EEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!)

Best moment this week: A lady on the phone remembered me from stopping in the shop and told me I was "an adorable pregnant lady". I really enjoyed that since most of the people that come in here are afraid to acknowledge that I'm pregnant so I just look like a jerk when I don't help them lift a 30lb piece of decorative concrete....jeez what an a-hole! 

Miss Anything?  Still my deli meats/steak/sushi and tropical mixed beverages. I have sniffed so many mixed drinks that I'm sure if it is possible to get a contact-buzz....I got one.

Movement:  So much this week! Mostly when I eat and then she goes nuts at night. Playtime!

Food cravings:  I'm not completely sure how this whole craving thing works. I had a ridiculous need for pineapple juice....not fruit...just the juice but Will wasn't home and I was pretty invested in Seinfeld* at the time so I just pretended it didn't happen. Does it count if you don't fulfill your "need"?? Otherwise I've been eating a lot of pancakes and I sometimes have an insatiable thirst for water...bizarre!

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just overeating. I can't stop once I start.

Gender:  Big, fat, pink baby!

Symptoms:  Sometimes I get weird pains in my "abs". Will likes to tell me when he catches a glimpse of the muscles formerly known as abs...."there they were!". Ass.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I think I was pleasant this week. This question should really be filled out by Will. I've busted him laughing at me while I randomly (and frantically) start cleaning things at 10PM. Or when I try on something that I think I might still be able to fit in and then rip it off in anger and punt it into the closet and threaten to wear sheets for the remainder of pregnancy. I don't know if that counts as being moody or unintentionally comical. "I don't give any care!"

*I saw 2 Seinfeld's that I have never seen before! (impossible right?)I don't even remember what they were about but I do remember that Jerry's dad was a different character than usual. They must have been the first couple of shows EVER...further investigation is required!

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