Sunday, June 2, 2013


Apparently that is a term made up by my generation. I saw it on the internet though, so it must be real. Anyway we went on a quick little vacation this weekend to Sonesta Resort in Hilton Head. It-was-awesome! We left early afternoon Friday and came back late Sunday...but it felt like we were there all week. Here are some photos documenting our trip:

Will's FAVORITE part of the resort. "Man those turtles have it made....", because they live at a resort. He said it every time we walked by them.

We did some beachin' and some poolin' while we were there too! It wasn't crowded at all...we couldn't have asked for more perfect timing. We spent some time at the pool spying on "family dynamics". One of my favorite things to do (even before we were pregnant) was to watch families and how they interact in public places like the pool, restaurants, or the mall. So many hilarious scenarios. I watched Will cringe as he watched a dad of 3 girls try to throw the football with wasn't pretty. He is convinced that is what we will be at some point. One at a time Will, one at a time.

The walk to the beach access at the resort...also the home of the turtle family Will is envious of.

WARNING: A LOT of pale-skin surface area coming up!!!!!

Will going SPF free for "just a little while". Fast forward to neon pink skin that can't be touched (even for aloe) by 6pm. He will never learn.

First and last time I will take a pregnant bikini shot... 2 stories about looking/feeling farther along than I actually am: First, as I was walking up the beach in the soft sand, a man said to Will "don't just walk behind her, PUSH!". Embarrassing. Second, Will was saving seats for the sunset so I was on ice cream duty. I walked around the corner holding both of our cones and some random dude yelled, "TWO?!?!?!", and then got embarrassed and walked the other direction. That is the second time I have been mistakenly accused of eating 2 desserts.

 We also went to The Salty Dog was delicious. Followed by ice cream and sunsets! A really good trip. I want to go again immediately. We have decided we want to be "Hilton Head People". I will always love Charleston but I think this is our new go to beach. Until next time HHI...

Will's dumb finger.

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