Wednesday, April 17, 2013

guess what? we're having a baby!


Alright, I did it.!! I went to college, I graduated, got a job(s), got married, and now I'm going to be a mum! Soooo many things accomplished in these short 28 years. Now that Will and I have been married a year and half I think it's time for me to actually get "domestic". While I still haven't yet mastered the whole dinner thing...I have become a professional grilled cheese maker, laundry folder, vacuum-er, and cat sitter. Ask Will, I dare you. I have attempted other things but not so skillfully and as I've always said, "I don't like to do things I'm not good at". That's a good life motto, right?!? Anyway, here  is my attempt at what I think my next step should be.....blogging. Lame right? NO! You're still reading! Enjoy...

Sooooo I stole the list below from my good friend Jessica (check out her blog here!) because I wanted a way to keep track of how I felt...and looked...during this pregnancy. Will and I are really nervous excited about being parents and I don't want to forget anything! Plus, if we decide to have more kids my mistakes will be forever documented for all to see. It will be more like a reference tool for the future. I'm sure I'll look back fondly on this blog and think "what the eff?!". I'll be honest, I've been stalking pregnancy blogs for the past 10 weeks or sooo I'm pretty informed.  Some things I wish I could unread. Not only do I have 3 of my best friends** to ask for advice but the internet has the answer to any ridiculous question I can come up with. So without much further ado I present WEEK 14!!

Total weight gain:   about 3 lbs but it looks and feels like 10...

Maternity clothes?  I've been mixing and matching...I have some pre-pregnancy pants and tops that are stretchy and still fit but I also bought some bigger shirts that feel waaaay more comfortable. I always have a pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy that I would wear everyday if that was acceptable.

Stretch marks?  Not yet but I'm nervous! I will be bathing in cocoa butter just in case.

Sleep:  I always want to nap when I come home...which I try to resist...I have a pretty sweet work schedule so I can sleep in until 8am if I want. Sooo, I'll go with "good".

Best moment this week:   Finally WANTING to exercise and not feeling like a sloth.

Miss Anything?  Delicious deli sandwiches, sushi, medium steaks, aaaand brie!!

Movement:  Not yet

Food cravings:  Anything that is a carb must go into my mouth.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Sometimes eggs gross me out and beer...the thought of beer makes my tummy hurt.

Gender:  I WAS thinking girl but now I'm having boy dreams. Will thinks it is a boy...and my doctor said she is getting "boy vibe" from me. We shall see!

Symptoms:  Sleepy and hungry

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy I guess...although I have cried over the long line at Ben and Jerry's and other random commercials.

Looking forward to:  Finding out the sex!!! Oh and summer clothes. I'm ready for dresses (which I never thought I would say in my entire life) and sandals.

Alright, that does it for this week. I promise the next one will be shorter!

**Aimee Stohr due June 14th (baby boy)
**Kirsten Johnson due June 14th (baby girl)
**Jessica Erbacher due August 22nd (baby girl)


  1. Well I'm not sure if you will ever have the dinner thing down since I am such a lousy cook. Maybe you could take cooking lessons somewhere. I think the blog is a great idea and I promise I won't interject any of my war stories since all your friends will have fresh and exciting experiences to share with you. But I am hoping for a girl.....all I can say is "if Les had been first, he would have been the only one!" Mom

  2. If you have a little lady out girls will be BFFs BUT if you have a little dude we will force them to date!!

    Love the blog!!
