Friday, October 3, 2014

month 10 & 11

Crusty faced Bubba. So sick but still so cute
Oh my gosh it has been so long! So many things have happened and I feel like I can barely remember them. My precious baby is almost an entire year old. She is still so doesn't make sense that she can be ONE. I can't even. I'm getting emotional as I type this. I didn't even take any pictures with my "nice" camera. We will have to make due with iPhone pics [sigh]. Jameson has done so many new things...and I love all of them! We I struggled with the transition to the crawler's class at school. It was such a big change for me. Jameson went from being the tiniest baby in the infant room (and the oldest) being the tiniest baby in the crawlers room and the only one that didn't eat "big girl food". She saw some familiar faces in her new class but they are all boys :( She gets her bow ripped out by them daily. Stay strong, Bubba! AAAaaaanyway, she likes her new room and likes her teachers so we can deal with it. Aside from the worst illness-to-date....month 10 & 11 have been quite enjoyable! Here are some pics:
Jameson and Will getting ready to watch Frozen...we didn't make it...too grumpy.

J-mo at Will's soccer game...clearly interested in other things besides soccer.

Sleep:  Every other week is different! Sometimes she is the most awesome sleeper and then other nights she wakes up...I assume teething or sick usually.

Size: I don't know! She hasn't been weighed since her 9 month checkup. I'm guessing somewhere between 18-19lbs. Still a munch!
Clothes: 12 months! The pants are a little long but we cuff them and she's good to go. Her tummy fills out her 12 month clothes nicely. Little Buddha belly. 

Diapers: Size 3

Eating: Thanks to the crawler's class this little bubba is eating big girl food! She can eat mostly carbs...ha! She will eat very small pieces of food with her little gums! Veggie meatballs are a hit...along with bread, cheese, and eggs. Duh. Now she won't even take baby food. My how things have changed!

Likes: Kitties! Jameson is in to matching things...shapes, colors, shoes, and bath toys. This baby will dig and dig until she finds a toys matching piece. She also likes to take things out and put them back in. So organized! Her most annoying "like" is closing doors on people. She gets the biggest smile when she does it too. Sometimes when she won't let me open the fridge because she keeps slamming it shut. She LOOOOVES Sofia the First and music. Music is the best. Especially Sofia's songs...her and Will could jam to those all day. Sometimes they do...

Dislikes: She hates loud things still! The teacher at school said she doesn't like the broom after meal time! Not shocking. Also, I'm pretty sure she doesn't like other babies touching her. I saw her (twice) push two boy babies in the face when they tried to get near her. I think she probably gets "bullied" in her class of all boys. I've seen her fight them off at the breakfast table. They love her puffs. She gets puffs instead of Cheerios...we haven't mastered sucking/chewing those yet.

Other: Sometimes the Bubs still gets tummy problems. Constipation from her formula and her bananas! We still use Miralax every now and then. Benadryl is a big hit with this fam. We try not to give it to her a lot but every now and then I can just hear the snot while she is breathing. So sad. I can't wait until she can blow her nose. I almost forgot our worst illness! We were home sick after Labor Day weekend for a full week. It was so bad. She wouldn't eat solid food and when she did she would throw up everywhere. I always cringed when people talked about "that time their kid threw up everywhere" and it totally happened to least 3 times. EV-ER-Y-WHERE. It was the most miserable I've seen her ever. High fever and barfs. Terrifying. 

Milestones: Bubs is a crawling machine! She is fast too! Pulls up on most things. In the mornings when I dry my hair she HAS to be up in my face. It's so sweet but takes me an extra 15 mins of hair drying. I guess matching shapes/colors is a milestone too??

Mommy Fail(s): I let Jameson have free reign of the house mostly. Big mistake. She is normally fine in any of the carpeted areas but she has been known to wander into the foyer and living area. "I turned by back for one second" story coming up...I went into the laundry room and then it suddenly go really dark and I turned around just in time to see her chubby smile as she slammed the door shut on me. It didn't lock me in but Jameson doesn't grasp to move out of the way and after 10 second of laughing it turned into beating on the door and crying...only I couldn't open the door because she was sitting right in front of it. This lasted approximately 5 minutes but 5 mins of baby tears are an eternity. Crazy little bubba.

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