Friday, January 3, 2014

happy new year (and my un-resolution list)

side note: this is the first time in my life i cursed fireworks...sleeping babies do NOT like fireworks!

So I already failed one of my new year's resolutions (spoiler alert: it was swearing in front of the baby) of that, I will now compile a list of things that I will NOT give up as a new year's resolution:

1. SODA. Who am I kidding?!!? I'm addicted to soda sooo hard! I thought that I could do just weekend sodas but then it just spilled over into the week. I might try to not keep soda in the house as a way to limit my intake but once work starts back up all bets are off.

2. FAST FOOD. I typically start the year by saying NO fast food...then it turns into "okay, only for breakfast", and then it turns into "whoops, I ate fast food 12 times this week". Soo maybe I'll just try for way less fast food than when I was pregnant...

3. WORKING OUT MORE. As much as I really, really want to work out I can barely find time and I'm not even back at work yet. I don't know how people do this??? I would like to get back to Monday night coed soccer...but that requires a babysitter. We'll see how that goes.

4. LESS TV. Yea right. We don't have a TV in the bedroom anymore so I definitely won't be up late watching. My new favorite show is this:

get it? 'cause it's my baby monitor screen??

5. KEEP MY HOUSE CLEAN AND ORGANIZED. Bahahahahahahahhahaha! Good one.

Okay, that was just for funsies. I would really like to try and "resolve" those issues but I wanted to try a different approach. Maybe if there is less pressure I might actually do it? Maybe? I will leave you with this image:

here's how we feel about me starting work in a week and a half
My hair is actually washed in this photo...brushed...that's a different story!

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