Tuesday, April 1, 2014

month 5

Little chubba-bubba! Our baby is growing up!! This was quite an adventurous month for us. So many new things! We celebrated St. Patrick's day this month, had a visit from all the grands, a visit from Uncle Les and Sarah and even met her great Grandpa-O! Like I said, so many new things! We have also had some setbacks...tummy bugs, allergies, and sleep regression. Sleep regression is by far, the worst! This is definitely my favorite month so far. Not that the others weren't ah-mazing but she's such a little person now!!! Anyway, we have tons of pictures from this month so I will let them tell the story!

St. Pat's festival in Uptown Charlotte! Perfect weather and perfect angels. (Top: Baby Bethany 9mos).

We also had some family photos taken by our friend, Holly. It was a really nice day and we only suffered a few minor setbacks (spit ups/shoe kicking-off/drool drenched sweaters/greasy hair...the usual). Soooo, Jameson overload, commence!!!!!!!!!!!!!

one of my faves

this face! so many chins!

I can't get over her eyes! How did this happen??

Hoarding massive amounts of slobber to unleash on mom or dad...

I'm a sucker for this face.

and this one...

"Don't put my boobs on Facebook, Mom!"
Bubba meets her great grandpa! The best!

Okay, I lied! THIS is my fave!

Sleep:  We had a good run... We had a few weeks of sleeping 7-11pm and then 11-5:30am. Then, our baby decided she hated us. Jk, I think she got sick and it all went downhill from there. One week she woke up 3-4 times before 10:30pm and then woke up for 1.5 hours stretches in the middle of the night to play. It was seriously the worst week ever at work. The worst part is that she was sooooooo cute at 3am! I wanted to play too! We have slowly been able to get her back on track but she's still not there. She has been very stuffy at night so we are running the humidifier, using Vick's plugins, and suctioning like crazy. Cross your fingers she decides to sleep through the night just in time for her to start teething! 

Size: 13lbs and 5ozs......I think....I can't remember what they said when we were there last. She is probably more than that by now. They didn't measure her though...so I'm guessing the same size as last time. She went in for the sickies at 4 months which turned out to be allergies (apparently).
Clothes: Some 3-6 months but mostly 6 months. I've said this before...but baby clothes are the dumbest. I feel like some of her short sleeved onesies are snug...how is that possible with my little peanut??? Anyway, my new favorite thing is (are??) bubbles. They are exactly what they sound like once you see them on. So cute, so cute. Also, there is something wrong with me but I want to hoard every piece of clothing she has! I'm so reluctant to pack anything up even though I know it's out of season or way too small. I hooooooope she will have a sister someday to wear them all over! 

Diapers: Size 2! Side note to myself: stop trying to use up the random size 2 Huggies we have laying around!!!! YOU WILL BE DISAPPOINTED....and pooped on. We had one of our worst blow outs to date...Will had to change shirts. It was not pretty. Totally the dipes fault...generally it's "user error" but this was all dipe. Damn dirty dipes! 

Eating: 6 ounce bottles (4-5.5 a day) and....wait for it...2 meals of solids a day. Little Bubba is such a big girl. So far, we have tried rice cereal, oatmeal, sweet potatoes, bananas, applesauce, and peas. Will bought prunes and peaches but I'm hesitant to try those for some reason (probably because I would never EVER eat prunes in my entire life)...maybe carrots next?? She doesn't have a set amount she eats, we just feed her until she doesn't want anymore. Jameson eats a partial to whole container at lunch and then either rice cereal or the rest of her lunch before bed. We are still figuring this out so this will more than likely change the day after I post this....(Shhhhhh! I don't know what I'm doing!).

Update: Jameson is having 3 bottles at school and one meal....then comes home for a "meal" and a bottle. She also gets a few ounces at 11pm for her dream feed....so far so good.

Likes: Baths are always a hit. She likes her rice cereal. She LOVES Freddy the Firefly and Sophie. (And, obvi, Bearic....they are buds). She likes to try and help feed herself but she just gets everything everywhere instead. She will laugh, not giggle, but laugh at her dad doing anything silly. I've gotten some good giggles from peek-a-boo and "Peanut Butter Jelly Time"....yes that dumb internet/Family Guy song...but I'm no daddy. Oh and she does this awful and terrifying noise that sounds like she is gasping for breath. She has scared the shit out of daycare and mom and dad multiple times with it. She is totally messing with us though...she likes her new sounds. She is also soooo much better in the car (to and from daycare is waaaaaaaaaaay less stressful.

Dislikes: Sleeping through the night. Jk, but maybe?? She hates anything going up, in, and around her nose. She fights me when I try to wipe her mouth and hands after meals. She also fights naps on the weekends...so hilarious but not really.

Other: Still drooling all over everything. She puts ANYthing in her mouth. I have jokingly offered her some tea from my to-go cup and she knows exactly what to do. She will clamp those slobbery lips right on the straw but then doesn't know how to suck. Bubba finally learned how to roll over! She has done tummy to back in front of us and then did a magic trick of back to tummy in her crib (haven't seen it since). I didn't witness it but she woke herself up at night after rolling onto her back and by the time I made it upstairs to check on her she was back on her tummy. Weirdo. She also can put her paci in her mouth by herself. I saw her do it in the car this weekend! She was holding out on us! She only does it when she wants and then wakes up at 3:45am so mom and dad can do it.

Milestones: Dang it! I typed half of my milestones up there. I will summarize:
-rolled tummy to back
-rolled back to tummy (only in secret though)
-can put her paci in her mouth on her own
-swallow solids without spitting it everywhere

Me: I quit. I have 6lbs left to lose to get back to pre-pregnancy weight but honestly, it will probably be there until Bubba decides to give us some rest at night. I went home at lunch to workout a few times which was actually nice but takes too long. By the time I'm home for the night I'm dead. Sometimes I fall asleep on her floor after putting her down for the night...true story! Anyway, I play soccer at least once a week but I can't wait until she finally sleeps through the night! I fully intend to go to bed at 9pm...no exceptions. I need sleep.

Mommy Fail(s): One night I fed Bubba too much sweet potatoes and she projectile vomited them. It went down my shirt and pants. I had to undress in the middle of the room while holding her and run upstairs. I had no idea what to do. I just froze after it happened. Should I move?!?!?! By the time Will got home I was rocking the baby to sleep sans pants. 
Also I didn't clean (I rinsed out the part that hold water but neglected the other piece it attaches to) Bubba's humidifier for 2-3 months and then finally opened it and saw the most disgusting thing ever....must have been 3 types of mold going on in there. I poisoned my child. We threw it out immediately and bought her a new one that looks like an elephant...and I googled how to clean it this time. Apparently white vinegar prevents mold...who knew? (Probably everyone but me).

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