Thursday, June 30, 2016

month one: max

Baby Max!!! He's already a month old! This picture is actually closer to his 6 week mark but close enough.

bad lighting but good baby

Baby stats:
12lbs 6oz
22 inches
99th percentile in head circumfrence...haaaa

Clothes: 3-6 month or 6 month clothes already!

Feeding: 4oz bottles every 3-4 hours a day

Sleeping: sleeps in 4 hour spurts in the evening and cat naps during the day. He prefers stomach sleeping...greeeeeeeeeat...and spends lots of nap times on our chest (just like Jameson)

Likes: sink bath time, daddy, mommy, his DockaTot, cuddles!

Dislikes: wet dipeys, cold wipes, being sweaty, and gas........actually he's a pretty agreeable little babe!

Milestones: this baby came out of the womb lifting his head and turning it side to side! Also, he contracted his first illness from his sister...2 weeks old with croup (not awesome). Along with croup he had (and still has) pretty bad re-flux. He takes meds twice a day along with gas drops as needed. 

must have a breeze at all times, please!
loves this thing! sleeps in 4 hour intervals at night in it

his face after holding his poop for 4 days...and then NOT holding it :)

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Max Johan Nova

Sweet baby Max is here! Get ready for photo overload! Max arrived on Thursday May 19th about 4 days past his due date. Apparently his due date was the 15th and NOT the 16th...whoops, ultimate mommy brain. I'll give a brief synopsis of the birth story and then I'll just post alllllllllll the pics!!

Max in the hospital with Will

Okay so after my doctor promised be I wouldn't even reach my due date I was finally wait-listed to be induced 4 days AFTER my due date. Woof. And yes, you can be wait-listed to have a baby...WTF?? Thursday morning we got the call to be at the hospital by 10:00am. Mimsy/Peema came up to watch Jameson and she stayed home from school that day. We got to the hospital and got hooked up to an IV (probably the worst part of the whole thing...blew out 2 veins and couldn't use my right hand for a day). They started me on Pitocin at about 11:45am and then Dr. H came in and broke my water. I got my epidural around 2pm. Sooo since my contractions weren't nearly as bad as they were the first time...the epidural was NOT pleasant. I was way more coherent (not crying and barfing like last time)this time around and was super conscious of the needle going into my back. That being said, I had to have it placed twice because I jumped the first time. The anesthesiologist made sure I knew that I could have easily paralyzed myself by doing that...thanks doc! 

Okay moving on...I don't even know what time I started pushing but this time my doctor was there the entire time! I was so surprised and confused! Anyway I pushed awhile and it was the general concensus that this baby was going to be "big". I don't know how much time elapsed but all the sudden there were like 8 nurses in the room prepping for the baby. After literally working as hard as I ever have...they let me know I only had a few pushes left and he would be here. I push one more time and all the sudden the tone of the room changed. I could tell in my doc's face that something wasn't quite right...but she didn't seem worried. They mumbled medical stuff and then 3 nurses jumped on me and one pushed Will out of the way and started laying on my stomach and everyone was really encouraging me to push. I felt like I had to get him out right then. One more big push and I thought I did it and then I was very firmly told to STOP PUSHING. I immediately panicked on the inside and then everyone rushed around and he finally came out. But he wasn't crying...he was a little grey and HUGE. I kept asking if he was fine and they said he's fine but he still wasn't crying. I swear he didn't make a noise for 5 mins. They suctioned him A LOT and kept telling me he was huge but I didn't hold him for over 10-15 mins. After he finally made a noise they told me he was "stuck" on my pelvic bone (barf). His shoulder was stuck and I guess that is why the ladies jumped on me. I don't even know. I didn't ask questions. I just wanted to hold him. Finally, we held him and they told us he was 9LBS 10.5OZS and 21.5". Whoooooooooooooa. Thank goodness I got induced. Holy baby chunk!

Baby Max on our first day home!
oh man, my favorite picture forever

tickle tickle, Max!

our photographer was soooo nice. Jameson couldn't make it to the hospital on the day we had photos because she got sick. She offered to come to our house the next day and get some pictures with Jameson. Thank goodness because these are just the best pictures I could have asked for. 

all his bandaids from being pricked over and over and over :(

year 2 1/2

My angel princess is 2.5 years old...going on 15. I started writing this before Max was born and now fast forward to Max being a month old...whoopsies!
Jameson has changed so much this past year that I can barely remember everything. BUT, what I do remember are her hilarious little sayings and quirks. So, here are my favorite stories and memories from the past 7 months or so.

Starting in January Jameson began getting bad ear infections. So bad that we were in and out of the doctors office close to 10 times in 3 months. She wasn't responding to oral antibiotics so she was getting a series of shots in her legs (3 sets of shots 3 separate times :(). Sooo, by March we were scheduled for tubes. It was the most nervous I had been in a looooong time. I knew it was supposed to be a quick procedure but her going under anesthesia terrified me. thankfully, once they gave her some "silly juice" she was hilarious and cuter than ever...just in time for them to whisk her away to surgery. By the time we got back to the waiting room and I used the restroom they were coming to tell us she was already in recovery and everything went fine. All this to show you a cute video and explain her newest phrase that has me silent laughing every time she says it!
at the library distracting her before our tubes consultation. she didn't touch a single book...haha!

From that day on I would always ask..."how do your ears feel?" and she always replied, "GRAPES!". I've noticed she doesn't enunciate her Ts very well but this was just too much for me. I thought maybe it was a once or twice thing but she says it all the time now. It's hands down my favorite thing.

day after surgery. being an angel as usual.
Along with tubes we started soccer practice in March. HILARIOUS. The first practice was amazing. She showed up in her Man U gear and nailed every drill. Next practice...bad but not too bad. We missed her 3rd practice due to having tubes put in that day but the 4th practice was awful. She didn't participate in a single drill and played in the grass by herself or with Will. Most of the time she was naughty and picked up cones she wasn't supposed to. Will and I spent the whole 45 mins chasing her. Gradually she would participate...she only wanted to join in if "pennies" were involved. She liked being a Gray Shark...diva. Fast forward to the last practice. This baby decided to do the whole practice and ace every drill. She was holding out on us. I couldn't stop laughing. She is definitely my child.
after practice playing with our sidewalk chalk. yes, she practiced in that outfit.

 Anyway here are a list of "Jameson-isms":

      "Mommy I need my swim-soups for water day!"

If someone is "yelling" or talking loudly she will tell them to "scream it outside"...I'm assuming her teachers at school tell her to use her inside voice vs. her inside voice.

When Jameson is being silly or loud I always say "whoa you're crazy!" and recently she started responding with "NO, I not cwwwwaaaaazy". Haaaaa!

Everything is always PINK. "What's your favorite song?"...."PINK"..."What do you want to eat?"..."ummmm PINK?".

There are one million more things she says and does that are so cute and adorable but I couldn't possibly document them all. Stay tuned for more!