Sunday, August 30, 2015

month 21

21, stinking months old! Even though I still call her a baby...she is definitely a full blown toddler. At the end of May Jameson moved up to the 2 year old class (she is the youngest and smallest in this class). I was a little worried since most of her buddies stayed behind in Toddler I but she adjusted just fine. The first week there were tears. No "ba-bas" in this class (even at nap time). They drink out of big girl cups and some of the kids are even potty trained! But, she loves her teacher's and even gets special "beauty salon" time with them. She comes home with the most hilarious hair-dos! I can definitely tell a big difference from 18 months. She has such a sassy attitude that constantly cracks me up.

Hammin' it up for the camera per usual

This baby has had so many changes in the past few months that I know I will forget to document some. It is easier for me to list them so here are some of the things I can remember :)

  • Little Baby Motor Mouth...this baby talks to herself, me, daddy, toys, and cats. Sometimes before bed she just starts testing out weird sounds. She has tons of little "catch phrases" like, "here go mommy/daddy", "thank you mommy/daddy", "no Rooooosesh", "where did he go?" and 1000 more than I can't even think of.
  • Asks to go "night-night"....sometimes
  • Asks for meelk (milk with her sweet accent)
  • Goes to timeout...often
  • Learned to jump in the pool (we've made so much progress with the pool)
  • Floats in her tube by herself some
  • Tries to blow bubbles (in the water and out)
  • Cleans up her mess after meals
  • Asks for her diaper to be changed AND as of this week she pooped in the potty. We danced...and ate jelly beans
  • She also has a preference in her clothes now
That is all I could come up with for now but I'm sure there are so so many more. I'll do another Jameson-isms post later in the summer if I get a chance. I'm sure I'll have tons of sweet stories about her by then. But for now, here is a photo dump of our last few months! Enjoy.