my little baby is getting so big!! (10 weeks in this photo) |
"sleeping Santa" at the mall. we had a tights-pooping incident just before we saw Santa but we still made the nice list |
our white trash Christmas tree (soon to be Jameson's tree in her nursery) |
sassy Christmas dress from Mimsy's coworker |
this baby was not pleased with her elf costume |
Patti and Jameson coordinated outfits and hair-dos! haha jk mom |
Sleep: So, so, so much better! Her naps are still few and short but she has been sleeping so much better at night. She averages about 6 hours. When we have messed up her routine she woke up during the night a couple times to be fed or changed but she mostly will sleep the whole way through. But since I'm an overprotective mom I will get up every now and then when she makes noises...just to make sure. I even occassionaly wake up and stare at the monitor to make sure I see her breathing...and to check the room temp (she is a hot sleeper). Her schedule right now is this:
-Anywhere between 9-10:30pm we give her a bath (depending on her last feeding/nap)
-After the bath she usually gets another bottle and then I start the bedtime process (this can take anywhere from 45-90mins...including feeding and burping). I usually feed her and then if she doesn't fall asleep immediately I will burp her and rock her until she is limp. If I try to put her down too early she will wiggle and get fussy. Usually I pick her up and she just needs to burp again and go right back down but occasionally it takes me 2-3 tries. I'll take it if it means sleeping 6 hours though!
-So on average she is sleeping from 11ish to 6:30ish (give or take an hour on either side).
-Once she has her morning bottle she will go back to sleep on me for like 3 more hours. If Will is around to help I let him feed her in the morning and I go and pump and then we can all go back to bed until close to 10am......yesssss!
Size: 10lbs 5oz and 21.75 inches. So far she has an average head and then is in the 10-25% range for weight and height.
Clothes: Size 0-3 months and 3 months only. No more newborn outfits!
Diapers: Size 1 only! Good job baby chunk! We use Pampers Swaddlers but have recently tried the Pampers Baby Dry version for nighttime...they keep dry up to 12 hours so she doesn't wake up when she has a wet diaper. So far they seem to be working! We tried this purely by mistake after I bought the wrong kind....
Eating: 4 ounces! Sometimes more...but she will spit up when she eats more than 4 ounces...not sure why she likes to punish herself.
Likes: She still loves baths so the point where she gets upset when she gets out! This is a special Will/Jameson event that I have yet to partake in. I watch every now and then but it's usually a good time for me to wash all the bottles and pump parts from the day and get everything ready for bed.
Also...I'm embarrassed to admit...she LOOOOVES tv. Like, loves it. Mostly soccer since that is all her and her dad watch. She loves the green. And much to my dismay, she loves the color orange. For some reason she has an abundance of orange colored toys that she just stares and stares at.
Dislikes: Clothes over the head! She is such a brat about that sometimes. I think she is starting to not like her car seat too. She used to sleep through dinners-out in her car seat but lately she starts to wake up and gets uncomfortable and wants out. She is easy though since she can usually be pacified by a bottle or just being taken out of the seat to sit up and look around.
*Side note: twice when I have been at a restaurant I have seen couples with babies around Jameson's age that just bring in their baby. No car seat, no diaper bag....nothing! I just can't see myself doing that....I don't know why it makes me nervous?!?
Other: Jameson has been having signs of teething. She is extra drooly and will gnaw on things that we put in her mouth (i.e. fingers, toys, and most recently the kitty). I don't know if she actually is teething though...we went out and bought that ridiculous $25 Sophie giraffe just in case. (It's way too big for her mouth though)
Milestones: Sleeping (mostly) through the night!! We can make her smile and "talk" to her. She will talk to the tv when she is watching it. She is super super close to sitting up in her Bumbo by herself. I know it's too early for that but she really does a good job in there if we watch her.
Me: Thanks to a stomach bug I am a little closer to my pre-pregnancy weight. I am down to 160...12lbs away from where I started. I was getting better about running a few times a week on the treadmill and then we went out of town for about a week and I got sick so now I get to start all over! Will got some free weights for Christmas so I will have to start using those now that baby chunk is getting heavier! I could barely lift my friends 6 month old baby the other week!