Thursday, May 30, 2013

half way!!!

20 whole weeks! We made it half way! Will still has not grasped that pregnancy is 40 weeks...he thinks I'm just bad at math when I say I'm "half way". He is sure that it is just 9 I'll just keep pretending to be bad at pregnancy-math. Silly Will. Anyway, we decided that we will announce the name we have chosen for baby-princess Nova! One, because we finally decided and two, because I want to "claim" it. I know that sounds ridiculous, but the politics of baby naming can get hairy! I have 4 other friends with babies due this summer so I gotta show my cards! Dibs!!! Okay drum roll please .......

Jameson Mae Nova

AKA Sweet Baby James, James, J, Jameson-Mae, but NEVER for real! No clever story or reason behind it besides that we like it! Mae is a family name thrown in for good measure! All opinions can be kept to yourself or whispered behind my back(unless it's to say you loooooove it), please and thank you! :) OK, here is the belly. Horizontal stripes are my worst enemy...but somehow that is all I own.

  I finally got Will to take a picture of me! "Stand in front of the flag, it looks so American." Nerd.

Total weight gain:   14lbs...umm that means up 3lbs since last week. I'm on a roll...

Maternity clothes?  Yup. The dress above is pre-pregnancy but even when I wasn't pregnant I showed up to my brother's wedding shower in it and a girl was 6 months pregnant and wearing the exact same thing. I've been self-conscious about it ever since...

Stretch marks?  Not yet but I keep hearing horror stories from ladies with them telling me to "accept them". NOooOOoooo!

Sleep:  Much better now thanks to precious Will...he bought me a Snoogle! Google it...and then read below under  "happy or moody" for more!

Best moment this week:  We took care of some big items on the registry this week so I feel like I can mark something off my list!

Miss Anything?  I'm embarrassed to say but I really miss drinking. Memorial Day just isn't the same with out a delicious adult beverage. Judge me if you must. 

Movement:  Not as much this past week so of course I had myself all freaked out before my doctor's appointment on Tuesday. Heartbeat was 148bpm and all of my tests came back okay. Will says the baby is a "Michael" and always napping and only cares about soda. Yes! I've always wanted to be a twin but I'll settle for a mini-me!

Food cravings:  Umm, I ate a pregnant lady sized portion shit-ton of boiled peanuts this past weekend. I have yet to go to a sporting event in Charlotte that sells them so when we were in South Carolina for Memorial Day weekend I had enough to make me sick all day Monday.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Apparently boiled peanuts.

Gender:  Little lady baby princess

Symptoms:  Some cramping in the intestine region...I presume from them being shoved into a much smaller area near my lungs...I presume.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Mostly pleasant, except for when I ask Will to pick up Farrow & Ball's Middleton Pink paint from Sherwin Williams and he decides it is the same as Rockabye Baby Pink from I don't even know where. (It is NOT the same for the record!!) I raged on the phone for a solid 3 minutes with him only to walk into the bedroom to see he had gotten me a Snoogle for my sleeping woes. I hung up and cried....and then took a nap. I lurve you McWilliam!!!!! Snoogle is my new jam.

Looking forward to:  Going on our mini babymoon this this weekend in Hilton Head!!!!

In other news I managed to keep some plants alive this spring/summer. This gives me great hope for raising a child! Here are my plant children:

This is our "Nova" plant. Will's dad said that is the real name of it! We discovered it a few weeks after moving in. Weird, right??

And my mini-gardenia! It already has twice as many buds as last year! Ha!
Anyway, no big deal...I know, but the only plant I have ever kept alive was a bamboo plant my mom bought me when I moved into the dorms at Winthrop as a freshman. I kept it alive 6 years and then one of my asshole cats knocked it off the window sill and ate all the leaves off of it. Ruthless! I don't even know if you can kill a bamboo plant but I'm counting it. The End.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

week 19

19 weeks...almost half way there! Crazy. I read that Baby Nova's sensory development is "exploding"! So she can totally hear me/us now...I'll probably have to ease up on the potty mouth and stop talking about her behind her back :) Just kidding, I'd say it to her face! My pregnancy app says that she is even sprouting some hair. When I read stuff like that all I can imagine are things like this:

Hilarious. Will had to "do my hair" once after my surgery a few years back and even though it was soooooo bad (and I had to go to work)...I could not stop laughing at how ridiculously difficult it was for him. I can only imagine the things he will come up with for baby hair. Alright, on to the big show (big being the key word).....

Found a new mirror but it's not as good :(

Total weight gain:   11lbs...ehh whatevs

Maternity clothes?  Yes! I have discovered that I can fit into a bigger size regular person shirt since apparently the "look" right now is giant-bag shirts with no form. Pants are a different story. I have been rotating between 3 pair of maternity pants, a skirt and stretchy black pants from pre-pregnancy. It's not pretty.

Stretch marks?  Not yet....but so itchy!

Sleep:  The bed looks like a disaster area every morning when we wake up. I have no idea what I'm doing in my sleep (clearly not sleeping) but it must involve some sort of gymnastics. Poor Will.

Best moment this week:  Feeling the princess move around a lot! 

Miss Anything?  Soccer, a bathing suit appropriate body, and wogging is already getting harder. I can barely make it a mile before I feel like I'm going to pee my pants or explode one of my lungs. Doc says that the princess has setup camp directly on top of my bladder. Hooray! I also tried biking but the hills are so embarrassing. I walked up 2 yesterday. A lot of people feel sorry for me and will back up there car off the cross walk so the chubby-biker can slowly peddle past. I will have to find a track and just go in circles.

Movement:  So much! In the morning when I sit at my desk and have my breakfast soda she goes nuts! She must be like her father...loves some caffeine-free coke! Or she is asking me to stop poisoning her with soda...she already guilted me into switching to decaf-sweet tea. I may as well just drink water. Boring!

Food cravings:  Everything. My friend Jessica has me freaking out about my future glucose test...I have to cool it with the sugar...but I can't!!!!!!!!!!!! (Good luck on yours Jess!)

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Will's coffee still....sick.

Gender:  Little baby princess!

Symptoms:  Just general chubbiness and that whole short of breath thing. Oh and having to use the bathroom a lot.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  This week shouldn't count....there were too many touching youtube videos about the Oklahoma tornado survivors. I sobbed on multiple occasions... and also while watching The Voice?? BUT, I also laughed so hard I cried at Will multiple times this week too. What a ham....someone please ask him to do his Christina Aguliera impression.

Looking forward to:  Nursery stuff AND I think we may have decided on a name...perhaps we will announce next week!??! Stay tuned!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

week 18

18 weeks large! I thought I was super excited about summer until I tried to go for a walk last night at 8:30PM and I was hot and sticky and cranky. Hopefully our beach trips we have planned will make me feel better...anyway, I had a pretty big week already so I'll keep this post brief. It was my first almost-a-Mother(s) Day this past Sunday. I got a couple cards and the prettiest flowers ever. We don't really do flowers since the cats go nuts and try to eat them. But I had to brag about these...they are my fave! Here they are below along with some other items:
So pretty! I ran out of unused vases so that is a beer mug. Classy.

Next we have our very first baby purchase!! Will picked it out...I felt sad for him looking at all the pink dresses and frilly things...but then I was happy for myself sooo I ignored it! Sorry McWill :)

A cat face on the butt?!?!?! Puuurrrrfect!
That will have to do for a bump pic since I sold my "bump-date mirror" at work. I was really close to talking the guy out of buying it...but alas, my sales skills were toooo good. (That's a joke). Alright, enough about is baby! 

Look at her chubby baby belly! Not to mention...her giant head! Precious!!

Total weight gain:   10lbs whooooops!

Maternity clothes?  Yea, but I only have like 4 things so I'm just rotating those with some of my pre-fat clothes. It's about to be dresses from here on out. So hot already.

Stretch marks?  Not yet, but I read this thing on facebook that says just when you think you're safe you find some after delivery. Oh well!

Sleep:  I must be doing it wrong. I wake up sore and tired every time. I'll never be a side sleeper.

Best moment this week:  finding out we're having a princess!!!!!!!!

Miss Anything?  Soccer, not grunting every time I bend over, and I still want sushi.

Movement:  I haven't felt too much since last time I posted but the US tech says expect to feel and SEE something very soon....see something!?!??! What does that even mean?

Food cravings:  Carbs and I require a dessert EVERY night. Wow.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Will's coffee. Gah, so disgusting to me.

Gender:  Little baby princess!

Symptoms:  Still abdominal stretching and shortness of breath when I "workout".

Happy or Moody most of the time:  I have been a complete psychopath this week. I can't even keep track of how many times I cried, got angry for no reason, or lost my shit and raged.

Looking forward to:  doing the nursery and picking out a name! OH and I'm looking forward to pink everything! Yesss!!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

IT'S A GIRL!!!!!!!!!

This is what immediately popped into my head as soon as we found out!!! Haha, not really, but not too shortly after it. 
We had our 17 1/2 week ultrasound Monday afternoon where we had the anatomy scan. We told the US tech that we want to know the sex but we wanted to keep it a secret until later that night. The tech showed us head, legs, arms, heart, tummy, BUNS!, and other really important things babies need. She had us close our eyes when baby started doing crazy flips so we couldn't see her stuff. During the US the tech will type words according to what parts she is showing us and when she went to type something that started with a "B" and "boy" auto-filled...she didn't really react and just kept typing. So, in my mind I was like oh man she messed up and now we totally know! Will saw the same thing (we confirmed at checkout). So as we're leaving the office we got in our separate cars and decided to meet for a ridiculously early dinner (still 100% thinking baby was a boy). We went to my all time favorite place, DISH!! We ordered our drinks and then I couldn't wait any longer and we had to open it...and that's how we found out! 
I can honestly say that I was completely shocked. At the beginning of my pregnancy I just knew that it was a girl but somehow Will had me convinced it was a boy. I was obsessed with knowing the sex so we were googling old wive's tales just for fun and then even I convinced myself it was a boy too!! I still really can't get over it. I knew it was a 50/50 chance but I still really can't get over it. I have said that a million times! Haha! Anyway, Will has already turned into ultimate protector dad already...he made us switch cars since his was bigger and therefore safer. So precious. 
That's all for now...more later this week!!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

week 17

Boring! Nothing exciting to note this week really. I'm counting down the days until Gender-Reveal-Monday. Never have I ever wanted it to be Monday so badly!!!

This past Saturday was my BFF's baby shower at my house. I think I was in over my head. I had to employ Will to help decorate, run errands, lift heavy objects, and wrestle my asshole cats. They attacked every decoration and piece of food I put out. Jerks. His reward was a video game. Anyway, it was a good time and we had a good photo op with the 3 prego friends:
Michael: 16 weeks, Kirsten: 33 weeks, 23 weeks. Also, I hate Jessica for not even looking pregnant in this photo.
After making Will cleanup the baby shower with me I dragged him to a 1 year old birthday party. There were babies of many ages there (mostly all screaming) and then 3 pregnant ladies at various stages of pregnancy. Will was notably traumatized by everything. Poor Will!! I never feel sorry for him, but that day I did...
Now for the main event...........
Sorry for the dumb face. I had to hold the peplum skirt down because once I ate the skirt was sticking straight out! And yes, I was feeling coral this week obviously (see also the coral blouse in picture 1).
Total weight gain:   7lbs depending on what I ate that day.

Maternity clothes?  Yes, just bought my most embarrassing purchase to date. A skirted bathing suit bottom. Don't worry, it doesn't have ruffles. I had to buy some bigger tops too. They are borderline inappropriate but I don't think I should HAVE to wear a tankini because other people think a pregnant belly is gross. Suck it gawkers.

Stretch marks?  No sign ...but I am going ahead and mentally preparing myself. Patti said she didn't get any so maybe it's genetic?!!?

Sleep:  Sucks. I'm not a good side sleeper. I change sides probably every hour at this point. I just can't get used to it. I sleep in late so it's not a big deal.

Best moment this week:  finding some daycares that actually have openings this winter.

Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach and playing soccer...sushi and summer cocktails.

Movement:  I still haven't felt anything yet. I get weird feelings at night but not sure if that is anything. **UPDATE** Last night while Rose was "making biscuits" on my stomach I felt something! I'm assuming it was baby kicking in retaliation of me "holding it" through 3 commercial breaks of Seinfeld without getting up to go. That and a cat pressing on it....Anyway it was weird and awesome all at the same time!

Food cravings:  Anything salty and everything that I shouldn't have.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Just chicken on the bone still. Disappointing since I love fried chicken. I settled for chicken-fried-chicken the other night at Leroy Fox...put enough gravy on anything and it works.

Gender:  5 more days!!!! p.s. I saw a Chinese Gender chart online that predicted a boy...I checked all my friends who already know what they are having and it was accurate on all 3.....crazy!

Symptoms:  Weird feelings in my abs when I lay on my side and just overall largeness.

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy but even MORE controlling than normal. Bless Will's precious heart for helping me decorate for Kirsten's baby shower. "Higher, no lower, no that looks effing stupid..." Things like that.

*******SPOILER ALERT*******
We went to see Iron Man 3 on Sunday and there was a part where Iron Man saves some people falling from Air Force One and then he drops them gently in the ocean. The group of people then do a unified fist pump and cheer! (Those of you that know me well, know that I cry at cheering crowds, fire works, and a united-front amongst this isn't really unusual). I turned to tell Will how ridiculous it was that I was getting teary-eyed over that only to see some tears welling up in his eyes. I HAVE NEVER SEEN WILL CRY...he claims he does at almost every 30 For 30 but I've never actually seen it. Will loves America and Superheroes and ESPECIALLY Superheroes doing American being awesome. Don't tell him I told you. His hormones are crazy right now.

Looking forward to:  Finding out the sex AND doing baby registry! I want to find pretties!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

week 16

DUUUMMMMB!!! My pregnancy brain is to the max right now. Not only did I think my ultrasound was this week, I showed up to my appointment a day early. Ridiculous. The receptionist felt bad for me and tried to squeeze me in with another doctor but I decided to wait for Dr. Hauschka. I have a lady crush on her. She used the f word in one of my appointments so I decided we are best friends. She gives me doctor advice AND personal-experience advice (she is pregnant with her 3rd baby!).  She told told me she gained 60lbs with her first child due to eating mac n' cheese everyday ...that's what I'm talking about! JK, she is a tiny thing now and I could barely tell she was pregnant in her scrubs on my first visit. Dr. Hauschka also drinks a cup of coffee and a diet coke everyday (which is under the 250mg max) so I love her for that! For those of you that don't know, this is important to me because: My name is Michael and I am addicted to soda!!  

Anywho, only the 12 longest days of my life until we can really find out the sex. Sorry for the fake out. Below I have self-photographed myself at work to show you my largeness. That's called a "selfie" for you old people non-Gen Yers. Or am I a Millennial? And yes, I require a VERY serious face when photographing myself... 

...because what pregnant lady doesn't love horizontal stripes!??! also Will won't take pictures of me in a timely manner so you get this.

Total weight gain:   6lbs according to the doc....yea, in my bra! (I'll give anyone a dollar if they can name that movie)

Maternity clothes?  Yes, some pants and some tops. I can still squeeze into some of my regular clothes but why fight it?

Stretch marks?  I haven't seen any yet but I'm sure Will can point them out to me if he sees them....

Sleep:  I started taking naps again thanks to the rainy weather so it's a little hard to fall asleep before 11:30pm. I keep waking up to very vivid dreams too. Mostly disturbing dreams...

Best moment this week:  "wogging" around Charlotte a few times a week.

Miss Anything?  Sleeping on my stomach and playing soccer.

Movement:  I don't think so...I don't know anything about my body apparently. I don't  know the difference in gas and menstrual cramps so we'll see what happens!

Food cravings:  CARBS, duh.

Anything making you queasy or sick:  Beer smells and chicken on the bone.

Gender:  Still don't know yet but I MUST know soon. I will go crazy if I don't know soon.

Symptoms:  I'm guessing, ligament stretching, (from what I've read) down in the ol' uterus area. I am supposed to be feeling baby flutters any day now!

Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy with the occasional weeping during stupid movies.

Looking forward to:  FINDING OUT THE SEX!! 12 MORE DAYS...12 MORE DAYS!

Oh, also I haven't cooked anything besides breakfast in the past week. I blame Will, his brother came to visit and it was Nick's 21st birthday so I was obviously required to eat out every night. Yesss!!! Adios!